The Dangers and Delights of Diamantina

Waiting in joyful hope (usually) as I discern a possible vocation, religious and/or literary.

sexta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2004

Les raisons d'être du blog de Mlle Diamantina

There are three main reasons why I am writing this blog:

1. Personal diary entries (though not too personal!) — these are mostly for myself and people who know me offline

2. My adventures trying to discern a vocation to some type of consecrated life in the Catholic Church. This is made difficult due to my disabilities. Some are relatively minor somatic disabilities — asthma, lower limb primary lymphedema and the like — and some major psychological disabilities — depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder. The fact that I am on SSI is also at least a temporary barrier.

3. Stretching my wings in creative writing after a hiatus caused by four years of grad school and two years of acute illness. Expect some verse, but mostly sketches for a possible historical novel that I am dreaming up. More information later as it develops, ladies and gentlemen... :-)


Anonymous Anônimo said...

my name is Diamantina :)
could we exchange some ideas?

22 de agosto de 2006 às 22:03  

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